What's Happening when the Pastor is Preaching?
Every single week, 52 weeks per year (and more if you include Sunday nights and Wednesday nights), Pastors rise to speak the Word of God...
by Pastor Ben Francis
Welcome to Shepherding Thoughts: An inside look at a Southern Baptist Pastor's comments on navigating popular topics in Christianity and Religion.
What's Happening when the Pastor is Preaching?
Why I'm Starting a PhD…
How do We Actually Experience God’s Sovereignty?
Is In-Person Preaching better than a Screen?
Are We Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids?
Christians Should Judge each Other...Right?
What I'm Reading, June 2022
How Should Christians Bury Their Dead?
Gender and the Christian Worldview.
Are Hymns Important? Yes!
In Praise of My Wife…
They're Teaching Kids What!? - Culture Shifts...
What I'm Reading These Days...
The Commodification of Discipleship.