Walking Our Wives through the Valley of Miscarriage: An Encouragement to Husbands
Shepherding Thoughts
by Pastor Ben Francis
Welcome to Shepherding Thoughts: An inside look at a Southern Baptist Pastor's comments on navigating popular topics in Christianity and Religion.
Give us Preachers, not Shepherds!
How God Decorates our Lives
Pastor Ben's Reading List: A Guide for Christians, Bible Students, Pastors, Parents, and More.
What Are Pastors Doing During the Week? 10 Things...
What's Happening when the Pastor is Preaching?
Our Responsibilities in Baptizing Our Children
How Should Christians Practice Santa Claus?
The Priority of Sunday Christian Worship
How do We Actually Experience God’s Sovereignty?
The Unique Grief of Miscarriage and the hope and help of Jesus Christ.
An Open Letter to the Person County Library, and Person County Government from her Pastor-Shepherds.
Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World
What Does it Mean to Be Pastored?
A Lament for the Hard Things: The Joy of Pastoral Ministry; A Follow-Up…
A Lament for the Hard Things…
What's Shaping My Life?
What I'm Reading - March 23'
An Ongoing Struggle: The fight for Life in a Post-Roe Culture.
What I'm Reading - February 23'