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Why American Christians Can No Longer Vote for Democrats.

Ben Francis

For much of American political history, American citizens have shared a common worldview, which led to basic agreement on a great many issues. Even while the Democrat/Republican divide existed—and existed vehemently in some instances—there was still a basic agreement across the aisle on the fundamentals of life and reality. 

That time has now come and gone. No such basic agreement now exists. The divide between Republican and Democrat has grown so wide that no bridge remains possible. The two parties are now polar opposites. 

In times past, Christians have been able to fit comfortably, or somewhat uncomfortably, into both parties. But our American political parties, like most everything in life, are not static. They move, they change, reshape and refashion themselves, and more. The political Parties of 2024 are a far fry from the Parties of the 1970s, or the 1860s. Times and values change, as does the culture. As they say, “Politics is downstream from culture.” 

But Christians must understand that while many things in life change, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ never changes. The authority of preeminence of His Word never changes. 

Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.

The same does not hold true for politics. Politics is an ever-changing game. It’s no longer safe to say, “Well, I’ve always voted Republican or Democrat.” Christians must do their homework in order to know how they can and should most faithfully carry out their voting duties as American Citizens. 

Why Christians Cannot Vote Democrat

Scott Redd provides a helpful matrix through which Christians can process their voting practices, and one of those helpful points of guidance is this: “Ask yourself whether a given issue is a core issue or a secondary one.” 

This world is not our eternal home. We are eagerly awaiting a city from heaven (Phil. 3:20). And until then, we are to live as citizens of heaven while we remain in the city of man. The challenge as it regards our voting is figuring out which issues are primary according to God’s priorities, and which are secondary, or lower. 

So as we walk into the voting booths this election season, we must do so with our hearts and minds shaped by God’s true and unchanging Word, and with a sober recognition that we live in a fallen and broken world. God's priorities must be our priorities. We’re not voting to elect a pastor or set up a church, but our votes must be cast in faith according to unfailing guidance of God’s Word. 

In times past, the choice between Democrat and Republican wasn’t always so clear, and Christians tended to split down the middle. A shared worldview across the aisle led to more options in the voting booth. As things stand now, no such options remain. The Democratic Party has so situated itself against the God of heaven and against His Word that no Christian can justly, nor obediently cast a vote for anyone who claims the Democratic platform. 

The priorities of the Democratic Party are a direct affront to the priorities of King Jesus. 

Christians cannot stand where Democrats now stand. And here’s why. The Democratic Party is unashamedly for…

Abortion and the Party of Death 

  • The Democratic Party is now unashamedly pro-death. They are the Party of death. The Democratic Party is for the murder and slaughter of babies in the womb. Saying it any other way is a lie. 

  • The Democratic Party is not pro-choice, pro-women, or pro-healthcare. It is Pro-Abortion which means it is pro-murdering babies. 

  • This Party also supports euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and more. 

  • For this reason alone, Christians can never support this party, nor any candidate that would willfully identify it. This is the spirit of antichrist in the world (1 Jn 4:1-3). 

Liberal Judges 

  • From the Democratic Party’s Master Platform, “The Court’s attack on a wide range of long-established American legal principles – from overturning Roe and eliminating the right to choose, to weakening voting rights and civil rights, to granting immunity for presidential crimes – in fact undermines the rule of law.”

  • The Democratic party sees the appointment of liberal judges at every level of Federal Jurisdiction as a crucial element of their political strategy. These are the men and women who interpret and rule on the constitution, and the Democratic Party wants Judges who read the Constitution, not as strict textualists, but according to their own pragmatism. (See former Supreme Court Justice Stepehen Breyer’s new book). 

  • And the reason this is such a major deal is that the Democratic Party has shown its commitment, time and again, to unbiblical positions that it would seek via the federal court system. 

  • Abortion, Gay-marriage, transgender issues, etc. 

 LGBTQI+ Rights 

  • The Democratic party is “committed to leading the most pro-equality Administration in history.” 

  • This extends to the redefinition of marriage, the weakening of the family, the opening of foster and adoption care to same-sex couples, the pardoning of criminals, gender-reassignment surgeries, the mutilation of the body, the  concealing of details from parents regarding their children, the further radicalization of the public school system, powerful lobbying groups, and more.  

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)  

  • DEI is a failed worldview, and the fact that the Party continues to make use of its ideologies in both political and governmental choices is a clear sign to Christians that not only is this Party not operating according to biblical principles, it is exercising the spirit of antichrist. 

1 John 4:1-3, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.”

One Semi-Safe Harbor…for Now

Christians will continue to have disagreements over policy issues such as budget, border and immigration, taxation, and the like. But the heart of the issue is this: The 2024 Democratic Party has firmly and unashamedly aligned itself with the work of Satan in the destruction of life, the destruction of the body, and the denial of God’s good creation order. 

They nakedly stand for what God opposes. 

Going back to Redd's question, the priorities of the Democratic Party platform are at complete odds with the priorities of Jesus Christ. Therefore, they are excluded from Christian consideration. 

For these reasons, Christians cannot vote for any member of the Democratic party while also saying “I believe and follow the teachings of King Jesus.” From Vice President Harris all the way down to local City Councils and school boards. 

And none of this means that the Republicans are the knights in shining armor. They have considerable failures as well, but at present, they are the only semi-safe harbor Christians have for this upcoming election. 

It’s not permissible, however, for Christians to vote straight-ticket Republican. We must still do our homework and walk into the voting booth with our hearts full of love for God, knowledge of His Word, and a real view of the world.

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